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The Skills Assessment Module (SAM; Rosinek, 1985) is designed to assess a student’s affective, cognitive, and manipulative strengths and weaknesses in relation to vocational skills required in various training programs within a school system. OverviewInitial sections outline procedures and techniques (including paper-and-pencil tests, hands-on skill modules, and work behavior rating) and administrative guidelines for SAM. Twelve hands-on modules are then explained in terms of purpose, materials, activity, verbal cue, interpretation, and scoring.

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These modules include the following: mail sort; alphabetizing; Etch-A-Sketch™ maze; payroll computation; patient information memo; small parts; ruler reading; pipe assembly; O-rings; block design; color sort; and circuit boards. Additional information in the manual includes test interpretation guidelines, technical information, reporting forms, and an instrument to measure learning styles. Summary Author (yr)Age Range (yrs)Method of Administration/FormatApprox.

Time to AdministerSubscalesSkills Assessment Module (SAM) Rosinek (1985)14-18Individually administered, criterion-referenced measure for students in vocational training programs; 12 skills modules, all timed except Color Sort. Conducting assessments that are related to transition needs or services is an important and necessary consideration for students identified with or suspected of having autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as with any disability identified under special education law.

Provisions of IDEA (2004) require the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD)/IEP committee to address students’ transition needs and services by the age of 16. If transition assessment, either formal or informal, is needed, a variety of approaches are available for consideration.

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The most commonly administered assessments address student interests (topics, subjects, or fields of interest as they relate to vocations and avocations); aptitudes (job-related knowledge and abilities); or preferences (e.g., type of setting or work environment preferred, working individually or alone, working inside or outside, active/physical or sedentary work). An additional area of assessment, self-determination, has become increasingly important, as IDEA has emphasized the importance of student involvement in transition planning and decision-making.This section of TARGET includes a review of transition-related assessments that may be used for students who have or are suspected of having ASD. Included are standardized norm-referenced measures, as well as criterion- and curriculum-referenced tools. In addition to the areas of assessment mentioned above, other, more in-depth assessment processes may be required, depending on individual needs.