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Global Mapper™ Vector Formats.3D PDF Files Description:Adobe PDF files support 3D features and surfaces. Global Mapper v15.0 and later can both import datafrom 3D PDF files and export loaded terrain, draped imagery, and 3D vector data to 3D PDF files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:3DS Max Format Description:The 3DS Max.3DS format is a 3D model format. Global Mapper v16.0 and later can loadand dislay these.Web Pages and FTP Sites:7Z Archives Description:The.7z format is a compressed format, or.tar.gz, which contains a collection of files.

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Global Mapper v16.1 and latercan directly load.7z files. The archive will be extracted and any recognized files will be loaded automatically.Web Pages and FTP Sites:ASPRS LIDAR LAS Files Description:The ASPRS LIDAR.LAS format is a binary format for storing 3D pointdata collected with LIDAR instrumentation. Global Mapper v6.07 and highercan directly import this format and view it either as a 3D surface oras an elevation-colored point cloud. Global Mapper v9.00 and highercan export loaded gridded elevation data and 3D point cloud data to newLIDAR LAS format files. With v10.02 and later, you can customize the namesused for the LIDAR classes found within LAS files by creating a lidarclasses.txtfile in the Global Mapper installation folder and adding a line for each classnumber to override with a format of lidarclass,classname, like 3,'My Custom Class Name'.In Global Mapper v11.02 or later if you load LAS files with format 2 or 3 thatinclude color information, the specified colors will be used to render theLidar points if they are loaded as a point cloud rather than the defaultelevation-based rendering of the point cloud.

Global Mapper v13.01 and latercan load data conforming to the LAS 1.4 specification.Web Pages and FTP Sites:ATLAS BNA (Boundary File) Description:The Atlas BNA format is a text format used by some products like Surfer, Golden Software's MapViewer andCaliper's Maptitude for loading boundary data. Global Mapper v13.00 and later can directly import.bna files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:AVS UCD Format Description:The AVS UCD (Unstructured Cell Data) format is commonly used in structural analy-sis and computational fluid dynamics.A UCD data structure consists of an irregular coordinate structure (or 'model') made up of cells. Cells may be points,lines, quadrilaterals, triangles, tetrahedrons, py-ramids, prisms, or hexahedrons.

Each cell has a corresponding numberof nodes. Data can be associated with the entire structure, with each cell, and with each node. The data is structuredas a set of components. Each component can be either a scalar or a vector. Global Mapper v15.2 and later can importand export UCD ASCII format files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Alberta Township System (ATS) Format Description:The Alberta Township System (ATS) is a land surveying system used in the Canadian province ofAlberta and other parts of Western Canada. Data for the ATS system is distributed inATS format files.

Global Mapper v11.02 and later can directly load ATS v4.1 files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:AnuDEM Contour Text Files Description:ANUDEM is a program that calculates regular grid digital elevation models (DEMs) with sensibleshape and drainage structure from arbitrarily large topographic data sets. It has been used todevelop DEMs ranging from fine scale experimental catchments to continental scale. Global Mapperv14.0 and later can export loaded lines with a single elevation value (like contours) toAnuDEM contour.gen files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Anuga Triangulated Mesh Format Description:The Anuga Triangulated Mesh format is used by the ANUGA Hydro open source application tostore generated meshes. Global Mapper v11.02 and later can directly load these files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Arc/Info Export Format (E00) Description:The E00 format is the Arc/Info exchange format for groups of vector coverages.ArcGIS Layer Pack Files Description:An ArcGIS layer package (.lpk file) is a single, convenient, ready-to-use file containing an ArcGIS Desktop map layer orgroup layer and the data it uses. Layer packages were introduced in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1. Desktop users can create layerpackages so they can easily share their data with other ArcGIS users, as well as make these layers, including their attributesand the way they have been symbolized, available. Global Mapper v16.1 and later can load recognized formats (i.e.

GDB,Shapefile, etc.) from.lpk files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:AutoCAD DWG (DraWinG) File Description:The DWG format is a vector data format used by AutoCAD and other applications.Global Mapper v8.01 and later can import DWG format data. Global Mapper v11.00 andlater can export loaded vector data to DWG format files.

Global Mapper v11.01 andlater can load DWG 2010 format files. Global Mapper v11.02and later will also automatically look for and use a WLD file to offset and scalethe coordinates in a DXF file to a real-world coordinate system.Web Pages and FTP Sites:AutoCAD DXF (Drawing Interchange File) Description:The DXF format is a tagged data representation of all the information contained inan AutoCAD drawing file. Tagged data means that each data element in the file ispreceded by an integer number that is called a group code. A group code's valueindicates what type of data element follows. This value also indicates the meaningof a data element for a given object (or record) type.

Virtually all user-specifiedinformation in a drawing file can be represented in DXF format. Global Mapper v11.02and later will also automatically look for and use a WLD file to offset and scalethe coordinates in a DXF file to a real-world coordinate system.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Autodesk FBX Files Description:FBX data exchange technology is an Autodesk 3D asset exchange format that facilitates higher-fidelity data exchange between 3ds Max, Maya,MotionBuilder, Mudbox and other propriety and third-party software. Global Mapper v18.1 and later can import and export FBX files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:BPF (Binary Point File) Lidar Format Description:The Binary Point File (BPF) Format was initially designed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) to serve as a lightweight, quick,binary file format for the storage of unorganized point cloud data. The format replaced their standard ASCII text file point clouds, which requireda significant amount of time for input/output.

Global Mapper v18.1.0 and later can load BPF format files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Blender.blend Description:The Blender.blend format is a 3D model format used by the open source Blender application. Global Mapper v16.0 and later can loadand dislay these.Web Pages and FTP Sites:CDF (GES Cartographic Data Format) Description:The Geographix CDF format is a format commonly used in the petroleum industrywith applications like Geographix and Petra. Global Mapper v5.07 and latercan export loaded vector data to this format and Global Mapper v8.00 and latercan import data from files in this format.Web Pages and FTP Sites:CML, CXF, and TAF (Italian Cadastral Exchange Formats) Description:The CML (Cadastral Markup Language), CXF (Cadastral Exchange Format), and TAF formats areused for the exchange of cadastral data in Italy. Global Mapper v11.00 and later can importthese formats.Web Pages and FTP Sites:COLLADA 3D Models (DAE) Description:COLLADA is a royalty-free XML schema that enables digital asset exchange within theinteractive 3D industry. COLLADA model files are commonly used by software likeGoogle Earth to represent 3D models (these are typically model.dae files).Global Mapper v11.02 and later can directly load some of these files, but to load thetextures and get a much better image you need Global Mapper v16.0 or later.Globl Mapper v16.2 and later can export new DAE files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Cogent3D.line,.point, and.poly Files Description:The Cogent3D.line,.point, and.poly formats are used by Localconnect and the GISRoam application on iOS devices to storevector data like line, point, and area features. Global Mapper v14.0 and later can load this format.Web Pages and FTP Sites:CompeGPS RTE, TRK, and WPT Formats Description:The CompeGPS RTE, TRK, and WPT format are used by the CompeGPS applicationfor storing routes, tracks, and waypoints. Global Mapper v7.04 and latersupports loading data from these formats.Web Pages and FTP Sites:DBF (DBase III+) Files Description:DBF files are used to store tables of information.

Usually they accompanyan ESRI Shapefile to provide attribute information, but they can be usedto store a database of point features. Global Mapper v6.04 and highercan directly import DBF files.DECC UK Wind Speed Data Description:The Department of Trade and Industry wind speed database contains estimatesof the annual mean wind speed throughout the UK. The datais the result of an air flow model that estimates the effect of topography onwind speed.

There is no allowance for the effect of local thermally drivenwinds such as sea breezes or mountain/valley breezes. The model was appliedwith 1km resolution and makes no allowance for topography on a small scale orlocal surface roughness (such as tall crops, stone walls, or trees), both ofwhich may have a considerable effect on the wind speed. The data can only beused as a guide and should be followed by on-site measurements for a properassessment.

Global Mapper v14.2 and later can directly load these.asc filesas a set of point features with a single wind speed value at each location.You can then easily grid that point data set if you would like.Web Pages and FTP Sites:DMDF (Digital Map Data Format) Format Description:The Digital Map Data Format (DMDF) is an ASCII format used primarily for thetransmission of terrain data, including gridded terrain, contour lines, andspot elevations. Many Alberta DEMs are provided in this format. Global Mapper v9.00and later can read in the DMDF format.Web Pages and FTP Sites:DeLorme Text Files Description:Some DeLorme products support loading vector data from text files. Global Mapperv10.02 and later can export data into DeLorme text formats, including a drawingformat for storing any kind of vector data (i.e.

Areas, lines, and points) as wellas specific formats for line and point data sets.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Delft3D (LDB) Files Description:The Delft3D (LDB) file format is used by Delft Hydraulics Software for storingvector line data. Delft3D (LDB) canbe exported from any loaded line data usingGlobal Mapper v9.03 and above. Global Mapper v10.01 and later can directly importDelft3D (LDB) format files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:E57 Lidar Point Cloud Format Description:The E57 file format is a compact, vendor-neutral format for storing point clouds, images, and metadata produced by3D imaging systems, such as laser scanners. The file format is specified by the ASTM, an international standardsorganization, and it is documented in the ASTM E2807 standard. The E57 format was developed by the DataInteroperability sub-committee of the ASTM E57 Committee on 3D Imaging Systems. Global Mapper v15.0 and laterwith the optional add-on Lidar module can import E57 point cloud data.Web Pages and FTP Sites:EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Format Description:The Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) is used to stored a rendered Windowsgraphics image.

Global Mapper v9.00 and later can extract some vector features(i.e. Areas, lines, and points) with style information from most EMF files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:ESRI File Geodatabase Format Description:The ESRI File Geodatabase format allows for the storage of different types of mapping data. Global Mapperv13.00 and later can extract vector data from GDB data sets created with ArcGIS 10 or later.Web Pages and FTP Sites:ESRI Personal Geodatabase Format (MDB) Files Description:The ESRI Personal Geodatabase Format is basically a Microsoft Access database(MDB) file containing spatial vector data. Global Mapper v10.00 and later canimport data in this format.Web Pages and FTP Sites:ESRI Shapefiles Description:A shapefile stores nontopological geometry and attribute information for the spatial features in a data set.

Labelview Support

The geometry for a feature is stored as a shape comprising a set of vector coordinates. Global Mapper supports loading Shapefiles directly from.tar.gz files, so you do not need to uncompress your Shapefile data if you do not want to. Web Pages and FTP Sites:ESRI XML Workspace Files Description:The ESRI Geodatabase XML represents ESRI's open mechanism for information interchange between geodatabases and other external systems. ESRI openly publishes and maintains the complete geodatabase schema and content as an XML specification and provides example implementations to illustrate how users can share data updates between heterogeneous systems. Global Mapper v18.2.0 and later can import vector features from Esri XML workspace files.Web Pages and FTP Sites:EasyGPS.LOC File Description:EasyGPS.loc files are XML-based files for storing waypoint data for use with the EasyGPS application.Web Pages and FTP Sites:Esri zLas Lidar Description:The zLas Lidar format is produced by Esri. Global Mapper v16.1.4 andlater can directly load these files as Lidar point clouds.Web Pages and FTP Sites:FCC Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) Files Description:The FCC ASR database stores the locations and information, like heights, for antennas and towersin the US. The data comes as a set of.dat files.

You just need to load the co.dat file to bringthe entire database into Global Mapper. The entire database can be freely downloaded from the FCCat the link below. Global Mapper v11.00 and later can import this format.Web Pages and FTP Sites:GML (Geography Markup Language) Format Description:The Geography Markup Language (GML) is the XML grammar defined by theOpen Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features. GML servesas a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchangeformat for geographic transactions on the Internet.Web Pages and FTP Sites:GPS TrackMaker Description:The GPS TrackMaker file format is used to store user waypoints and track logsfrom GPS devices. These files can be loaded into Global Mapper v7.00 and above.Web Pages and FTP Sites:GPX (GPS eXchange Format) Files Description:GPX (the GPS Exchange Format) is a light-weight XML data format for theinterchange of GPS data (waypoints, routes, and tracks) between applicationsand Web services on the Internet. These files can be loaded into andexported from Global Mapper v6.02 and above.

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